Reviews: The Gemini Project
A Neuralogical Thriller!
“Great read. You learn that the main character is going to die in two weeks … that’s not a spoiler as this happens on page 4! It’s 100 pages before you realize who is going to take his life, how and why. From that point, you are taken on a journey to discover if his future is predetermined. Very satisfying ending, with a lot of food for thought presented along the way.”
A Brilliant Work of Science Fiction
“… takes the reader into a Dystopian world that is at the same time, not probable, but somehow possible. An enjoyable read with every chapter building on the juxtaposition of the two central characters and their inevitable conflict.”
Loved It!
“Children kept in ignorance of the outside world live in a special sports school, training them for peak fitness. Why? A Very Worth-while Read!”
An Adult Sci-Fi Dystopian Thriller
“THE GEMINI PROJECT is an intriguing, interesting and thought-provoking sci-fi, dystopian thriller focusing on the aftermath of a third world war, an environmental apocalypse, and the struggle for immortality and never ending youth. A what-if scenario of impossibilities set against a theme of probabilities as those deemed unworthy are no longer viable for life ever lasting.”
Reviews: The Lone Piper
“Very well researched and informative, based on actual events.
The movie was good, this book is far more superior, read it through in one day, couldn't put it down.”
A GReat Book For D-Day Fans!
“Fantastic book and a must read for all fans of D-Day.
Learnt or confirmed much about D-Day that I either never knew or was unsure of.”